On becoming more agentic

I recently learned that the word "agentic" can be applied as an adjective to persons. A person is agentic, if they make their life how they want it to be. The alternative is to let convenience and chance guide one's fate, to let Apollo, the patron deity of Delphi, decide one's future.

The word agent is derived from the latin word agens, which means something like maker or doer.
For some things, doing is quite easy. Taking up running requires nothing more than the purchase of a pair of shoes, going outside and moving your legs forward at a moderate pace. The main hindrance, then, is often akrasia. Derived from a Greek term, it denotes a weakness of the will, or a lack of self-control. The wish to start running be healthier is dwarfed by the comfortableness of one's couch or unwillingness to go outside.

For other things, doing is hard, even though the physical act could be as easy as sending a letter. The hardness lies in the requirement to think about pros and cons, make a difficult decision, and, in the end, take a step forward into the unknown. Having to reason under uncertainty can lead to analysis paralysis and rumination, which might result in a worse outcome then deciding randomly and sticking with it.

In the last year, I think I have become somewhat better at both these things. I always was quite good at forcing myself into a schedule and working hard, even though akrasia has been a burden for me and I am fighting against it every day. Making hard decisions, however, is something, I have struggled with. Not only is the grass always greener on the other side, once I am there, I look down and realize that the green is fading and the plants are dying, while behind me lush forests silently grow and green blades sprout forth.